Dressing up for school is great fun
Category Archives: Gallery
Easter Treasure Hunt
Treasure hunt at School
Student Council visit to Selwood Academy
Our Student Council enjoyed their visit to Selwood Academy sharing ideas with their student council.
Community Morning
Our Community Morning was lovely. The children thoroughly enjoyed showing parents and family their school. They were really proud of their displays and loved sharing the different activities. Amazing fun was had by all. Thank you for your fabulous feedback, this will be shared with all the staff. Here are some of the Photos.
Tri Golf
The children recently took part in a Tri-Golf Event with other Frome Schools, held at Selwood Academy.
Gardening Club
Mrs Rayner’s Gardening Club. The children working hard to make Berkley School Bloom! We are very proud of their efforts and the school is looking great.
Summer Bonanza
Our wonderful Parents Association recently held their Summer Bonanza. It was a super event and well supported. Thank you to our FBS and thank you to all the parents for supporting the event and helping to raising valuable funds for the school. This was a fantastic social event giving everyone an opportunity to meet.
Family Service
Miss Pickford and some of our children took part in the Family Service on the 18th June. This was a special service for St Mary’s Gift Aid Day. The children told the story of the Good Samaritan during the service. They also decorated the church on Friday so that the church visitors during the Gift […]
Kindness Tree
Look at our kindness tree we have in school. Mrs Langton and the children made the kindness tree to kick start the school’s kindness week. They talked about what they could do to be kind and left lovely messages for their friends. The children are able to continue to add their kindness messages. They are […]
Fire Safety
The children had a visit from a Fire Officer. He came into school to talk to all the children about how to keep safe in the event of a fire. The children enjoyed watching the demonstrations and films and they all especially enjoyed watching Mrs Rayner dress up as a fireman.
Apple Trip
Year 3 and Year 4 visited the Apple Store. Year 4 were creating books and will be helping Year 2 to create a class book. Year 3 were making films and using their skills to create a virtual tour of the school for the web site.
Toy Trip
On Wednesday , Rabbits and Squirrels class went to Bath to the Fashion Museum/ Assembly Rooms. We took it in turns to have a talk and an investigation of toys from the past. We played with, drew and found out how they worked. The other class explored the Fashion Museum following the trails to find different things on […]
Celebration Assembly
Today we had a celebration assembly. Each class shared some work. Rabbits shared their Biff and Chip books they have made. Squirrels sang a times table song to help them remember the two times tables. Badgers read stories they had written about a story that Pete the Poet had shared with them about friendship. Owls […]
Family Service
The theme for the family service was being lost and found. The children performed with great confidence and there was a lot of congregation participation . Two Year 4 boys read the prayer that the children wrote during their pilgrimage to Wells .
Forest School Week 3
Fun Times at Forest School
Pilgrimage to Wells
On Monday 6th March the Year 4’s went to Wells Cathedral to take part in the annual Pilgrim Day which takes place each year.
Dressing Up As a Book Character.
Thank you !
Book Week Competitions
Book Week Competitions
Forest School Week 2
Week 2
Pete The Poet
We had an exciting visit from Pete the Poet to celebrate World Book Day.