The school follows its own Eco curriculum.
As the scheme is rooted in community participation, we warmly welcome any parents or community members who would like to get involved! This can be done by sharing any skills related to the themes of waste, energy, water, school grounds, biodiversity, global perspective, transport and healthy living. You don’t have to be an expert in any of these areas – just someone keen to make a difference! If you are interested in joining the team or learning more about what eco projects we do please speak contact the school.
We are already recycling our food waste into compost, turning off lights and taps when they are not needed.
• Our Garden
• Litter patrols
• Mini-beast mansion
• Book swap
We always work hard with the children to ensure that they understand and use the REDUCE RE-USE RE- CYCLE message. The school regularly takes part in a recycling initiative Bag2school . Please can you sort out any clothes, handbags, belts, shoes, bedding (not quilts) and curtains that you no longer want and bring them into school in the bag or in a black bin liner if you have lots of recycling. The school will get money, which will then help to fund new projects.
As part of the Global aspect of the scheme we sponsored a child in Burundi named Viannay who has now left school. It was lovely to be a sponsor through his education. We sponsored another child from Ethopia called Kalkidan. We do this through through Action Aid and the children write and received letters and pictures regularly. Now we have twinned the new toilets with a toilet block in the Congo. The official plaque is in the new toilets outside Rabbits.