Berkley Church of England First School is a VA school and as a VA School is part of the Diocese of Bath and Wells.
This means that the school receives some of its funding for buildings from the Diocese. The school Governors also have more responsibility to their staff and pupils as a VA School.
Courses are regularly held at the Diocese for Staff. The School also as a VA School receives a SIAMS Inspection every 5 Years. Please see our latest Outstanding SIAMS Inspection on the web site.
Our Year 4 children visit Wells Cathedral once a year. They take part in a Leavers pilgrimage and meet up with several other Church Schools to celebrate their moving on to a new school.
They very much enjoy coming back and talking to the rest of the school about their experience. They do this in a whole school assembly and they are also invited to take part in the ‘May’ Family Church Service and are always enthusiastic when they teach the congregation the things that they have learnt.
The Bath and Wells Diocese web site link is below.