Our Christian Distinctiveness

Our Vision and Values

‘We are a small school, with big ideas, adopting a creative approach to ensure that every child is supported in order to flourish and thrive; to see and develop their true potential’

Our vision and ethos of the school is based on the sermon of the mount, Matthew 5:14- 16; “You are the light that gives light to the world. In the same way, let your light shine before others, live so that they may see your good works.”

We are children of the community and guided by Faith.

Our school vision and values are based on the Church of England Vision for Education, ‘Deeply Christian serving the Common Good’ (2016). We work in close partnership with Berkley’s St Mary’s Church.

 As a Church of England Voluntary Aided School, we offer an education that is deeply rooted in the Christian values.

Christian Values

Each term we focus on a specific Christian value important to our school. These include Trust, Respect, Compassion and more over a two year rolling cycle. These are shared with parents via our weekly newsletter and reflected on by the pupils at the end of each term. (Please ask to see a full list) We love to explore what makes these values distinctively Christian and how these values for every child will help them become the best we can be in todays ever changing world. The children bring home an RE home challenge as part of their homework linked to the termly Christian value.

The following are examples of our Christian values:


Home School Values-FRIENDSHIP

Home School Values-HOPE

Home School Values-COMPASSION

We learn about our Christian Values during Collective Worship in assemblies and in the classroom. Please look out for the home challenge for all children to support their learning with this !


Religious Education

RE Mid Term Plan

Religious Education is an integral part of the life of Berkley C of E First School. Teachers use the above document, as well as resources and lesson ideas from the Somerset AMV and Understanding Christianity project, in addition to their own thoughts and knowledge of their class from the Early Years up to Key Stage 2.

Parents have a right to withdraw their child from R.E. lessons but should consult the Head teacher to discuss any implications.


Collective Worship

At our school Collective Worship takes place daily.

Monday- Class Worship led by the class teacher reflecting on our focus Christian Value

Tuesday-Singing assembly led by the Headteacher learning songs and hymns for the term

Wednesday- Whole school worship led by the pupils and class teachers, Head Teacher linked to our focus Christian Value

Thursday-.Whole school worship in Church led by members of the church community and Headteacher

Friday- Certificate assembly led by the Head teacher. Children are awarded certificates for WOW moments in their learning, reading skills and actions linked to our focus Christian Value.

Year 3 children looked at some Jewish artifacts and tasted some Challah bread.


Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural Development

Berkley School SIAMS Report

Harvest Festival Service

Christmas Nativity

Remembrance Day