What is Friends of Berkley School (FBS)?

All Berkley Parents are members!

The FBS is a voluntary organisation that offers parents opportunities to become involved and to contribute to the enrichment of the school experience for their children.  One of the primary functions of the FBS is to provide the children with resources and opportunities above and beyond the statutory provision funded by the local authority.

Remember, this is your FBS and it exists for the benefit of your children, so any suggestions, ideas or offers of help are always gratefully received.

The FBS does this in three ways.

Active Participation:

First, through active participation in the school day with activities such as listening to the children read, helping with art classes, accompanying the children on walks and trips or sharing some special skill or passion.

Fundraising and Events:

Secondly, through fundraising activities. The FBS has an active diary of events from the regular such as the school disco and Easter egg hunt to the annual events such as the Christmas Fete and Sports day cream teas. These events are enjoyed by children and parents alike and generate funds, which directly benefit the children. Watch for the diary dates on the newsletters for up and coming events and meetings.


The FBS also offers parents the chance to get to know other parents, teachers and governors. By organising activities that reach beyond the regular school day the FBS is instrumental in developing a sense of ‘community’ around the school.

So, how can you help?

Help is appreciated in many different ways. The FBS have a wonderful team of regular helpers who commit their time either through direct involvement in the school day or by kindly helping at events by making teas, organizing events, tidying up afterwards etc, but new offers of help are always welcomed, so please feel free to volunteer. If you can only help for one event, for half an hour that is of great help. You can contact any FBS member or get in touch via the school office.

Where does the money go?

Many parents will be unaware of how many of the ‘extras’ that our children benefit from are actually provided for by the FBS. Below is a list of just some of the things we recently provided some funding towards:

    • Sports Equipment
    • School Trips to keep costs down for parents
    • Handwriting Scheme – Whole School
    • Maths Resources incl.
    • Outside area of Rabbits Class for Early Years
    • Annual Prayer books for Leavers
    • Golden time toys
    • Books for library
    • SEN books
    • Maths resources

 FBS Meetings : 

Finally, you can give feedback on any FBS activities and ideas at the FBS meetings. The next meeting will be flagged up on the school calendar and reminders will go out in emails and newsletters. It would be great to see you there. Alternatively, if you are unable to attend but have ideas that you would like to share, please contact the FBS via the school office.