What is it like to attend this school?
Pupils are proud to be part of the ‘Berkley family’ and all that it brings in developing them personally. Many pupils become confident and self-assured. They enjoy learning outside and serving the local community, for example through leading farmers’ markets at harvest time and performing in the local church. Pupil leaders from Year 4 buddy up with younger pupils and take on board their leadership roles admirably. Extra-curricular activities, clubs, visits and visitors broaden pupils’ experiences well.
Berkley Church of England Voluntary Aided First School has a strong Christian vision. Sensitively created, and with regard to the local context, pupils are all very familiar with the idea of ‘Let your light shine’. They encourage one another in doing this from the moment they join the school. Many friendships formed continue beyond the school years, and as a result the vision enriches lives. Further impact is clearly seen in the wider community engendering a keen sense of family