Sports Champions are over the moon with the Berkley pupils for reaching the target they set. We all had an absolutely inspiring time, the presentation that Corey gave was extremely engaging for all of our pupils. The pupils showed resilience, determination ,
team spirit and a good understanding of sport discipline. He talked to the children about his favourite subject when he went to primary school. They all thought he would say PE but it was literacy, as he liked to write his thoughts down. During his presentation he demonstrated a game he would play to train and chose some children to come and have a go. He also explained how important nutrition is to keep a healthy body at all times.
During the circuits they quickly realised that 60 seconds can feel like a really long time when you are doing a repetitive exercise, like a press up. Some tried to beat the record of star jumps completed in 60 seconds and others just did their best to not stop and lie down!! This event took place to educate our pupils on a range of subjects, one of those being the journey life takes us on to get to where we aspire to be. We never imagined that our school would meet the target £1000, this is overwhelming positive and all the staff would like to say a big thank you to the families. The money really helps all the athletes on
the program and our pupils can understand how their money makes a difference. We will also after paying for the day and their percentage, have funds left to put towards resources in the classroom. Once again, it is a huge amount of money to raise, well
done to each of you for taking part in the afternoon.