The School Day

The main gate opens at 8:45am and school begins promptly at 9:00am. Registration is at 9am so it is important that your child to be in school by this time.

The morning session typically involve Phonics, Guided reading, English and Maths.

Break Time

Break time in the morning is from 10.30 am until 10.50 am. The children should bring a coat for break time for any changes in the weather.

Children are allowed to bring a small snack to school for break time. We always encourage the children to bring a healthy snack such as fruit or cheese. The water fountain is also available for a drink at anytime.

All Reception and Key Stage 1 children are offered universal free school meals or are welcome to bring a healthy packed lunch.

Key Stage 2 children can also order a hot school dinner from the same lunch menu or bring a healthy packed lunch from home.

Afternoon sessions are linked to the termly topics and will include Art, History, Geography, Science, ICT, Music, RE, PE etc. More information about about the class topics can be found on the individual class pages under Curriculum.


Afternoon Break

Reception and Key Stage One has a break in the afternoon from 2.30 pm until 2.45 pm. They have a piece of fruit provided for them at this break.

End of the Day

At the end of the day the children will be in the playground at 3.15pm.  Can you not arrive until 3.10pm to pick up your children as it is playtime and some children find it unsettling to see their parents at this time and they think they are going home.

Many thanks for your co-operation as if we employ these measures it does help to ease congestion.


Daily Christian Worship takes place for all children.  Parents and friends are always welcome. We have collective worship on a Monday in our classrooms.  We have collective worship in St Mary’s Church on Wednesdays.  The  children are encouraged to bring a small donation for the collection to help support the church. On Fridays we have Good Work Assembly. Each class takes turns to show work. Good  behaviour and good work certificates are given out along with any other merit certificates of the week. We also give ‘speaking and listening ‘ awards. The golden award is given to a child from each class for exceptional work, commitment,progress or an outstanding act of kindness.


Parents have the right to withdraw their children from collective worship.  Please talk to the class teacher if you would like to exercise this right.



On Thursday morning the Reception Class do PE. The remaining classes go to the Lighthouse Swimming Pool at Tytherington or have P.E. lessons at school on a rotational basis. All children swim for the same number of sessions across the school year in half termly rotations. Key stage 1 children swim one half term and the Key stage 2 children swim the next. Within each key stage the children swim in different groups depending on ability. At the end of the year each child receives a written report on their individual progress across the sessions. All children, when they leave Berkley School can swim.



The school colours are a burgundy sweat shirt with the School logo on it. We encourage children to wear a white shirt and grey trousers/skirt. Please can you send the children to school in proper shoes. We feel that a uniform is important as it gives the children a sense of identity and creates a good impression when we have visitors or go out on visits. When you buy new P.E. kit, please could you buy the school colours i.e, white T-shirt, navy shorts/ tracksuit bottoms. All uniform and P.E kit should be named.Berkley school will get 20% cash back for our funds on any orders placed with Easy2Name products .

You can purchase uniform through Parent Pay . You will be given an account when your child starts school.